We provide our expert opinion, news, and knowledge to help keep you informed and aimed towards building your business.
Off-the-Plan Management Rights: Post-COVID Impacts & Challenges
Investment in Off-the-Plan Management Rights has always been a good proposition for experienced managers, whether in the short-term or permanent sector. From the early stage, investors have been purchasing MLR businesses and turning them around in a short period with aim to make quick profits. This has unfortunately changed over the past two decades and currently, buying an Off-the-Plan Management Rights business is a relatively long-term process and a longer investment proposition.
Disaster Assistance Loans for those impacted by ex-Tropical Cyclone
We would like to extend our thoughts to those facing hardship or who may have been impacted by ex-Tropical Cyclone 'Seth' throughout areas of Regional Queensland.
Welcome to 2022 - Executive Chairman's Message
Happy New Year and may it be a successful 2022.
Building Your Business Podcast | Season Three (Trailer)
We're excited to be returning for Season Three of our official Building Your Business podcast, hosted by Chris Lewis and presented by Archer Gowland Redshaw.
Archer Gowland Redshaw: The Trusted Advisor to the MR Industry
We're thrilled once again to be featured as an 'Industry Preferred Supplier' in the January 2022 edition of Resort News Magazine - the leading monthly magazine for Management Rights and Accommodation Industry Professionals.
A Message of Season's Greetings - 2021
As the Festive season approaches, on behalf of the entire team at Archer Gowland Redshaw, we would like to extend a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.
Single Touch Payroll - Phase Two commencing from 1 January 2022
Following the successful roll-out of Single Touch Payroll reporting in 2019, the Australian Tax Office has introduced an expansion of the program (as outlined in the 2019-20 Federal Budget), with ‘Phase Two’ due to commence from 1 January 2022.
New Super 'Stapling' Choice Rules now in Effect from 1 November 2021
Following Royal Assent of the ‘Your Future, Your Super’ legislation, new Superannuation Fund rules apply surrounding a new employee’s superannuation account, which will now follow them from job to job unless they make an active choice to nominate an alternative.
Varying PAYG Instalments due to COVID-19
Taxpayers can vary their pay as you go ('PAYG') instalments throughout the year if they think they will pay too much, compared with their estimated tax for the year.
To assist taxpayers who continue to be affected by COVID-19, the ATO has stated that it will not apply penalties or interest on varied instalments for the 2021/22 income year for excessive variations when the taxpayer has taken reasonable care to estimate its end of year tax.
New Queensland Stamp Duty Relief for Small Businesses
Under newly revised legislation which took effect earlier this year, eligible small businesses can now restructure from trading discretionary trusts to trading companies, gaining access to a Stamp Duty Exemption in Queensland.