Medical Allied Health
Queensland GP Payroll Tax Update – QRO Public Ruling PTAQ014.1.2
Following on from our previous article in October 2024, we advise the Commissioner of State Revenue finally issued QRO Public Ruling PTAQ014.1.2 on 3 March 2025, confirming payroll tax exemptions for GP practices.
Queensland to Exempt GPs from Payroll Tax After 2025
In news announced recently, the current Queensland Labor Government has announced it will match the Liberals commitment to scrap the proposed legislation that was due to commence 1 July 2025, after the current amnesty ends.
Healthcare Challenges: Payroll Tax, Personal Services Income & AI
For my Insights advisory article dedicated to the Healthcare sector, I wanted to speak specifically about the challenges many medical and allied health practices currently face.
Essential Guide to Starting Your Own Medical Practice in Australia
Starting your own practice can be a rewarding but complex endeavour that involves careful planning and execution. It allows you to have greater control over your career and patients, however, it can become overwhelming when trying to understand all the legal and financial considerations. Below we set out some key steps when starting your own medical practice.
Priority Focus Areas for the Healthcare profession in 2023
For my Insights advisory article dedicated to the Healthcare sector, I wanted to speak specifically to the challenges many medical and allied health practices currently face.
Income Splitting for Medical Practitioners
The medical industry has a large number of high-income earners and this attracts the attention of the ATO, especially where income splitting is concerned. The characteristic of income in this industry is largely for the personal services of practitioners/specialists whose income generally fall into higher individual marginal tax brackets.
Does GST Apply to Medical Services Issued to a Patient?
For medical practitioners, interpreting the appropriate tax obligations attached to seeing patients can often be confusing. This can be especially true surrounding the application of Goods and Services Tax, where certain patient scenarios can require the need to charge GST.
New QLD Payroll Tax Ruling Released for Medical Practice
Following on-going review and commentary since 2021 regarding the liability of medical practices to pay Payroll Tax in New South Wales, the Queensland Revenue Office (QRO) has now released a new Public Ruling determining interpretation for QLD clinics.