
We provide our expert opinion, news, and knowledge to help keep you informed and aimed towards building your business.

Fuel Tax Credits - New Credit Rates Update | February 2021

Feb 09, 2021

Read our latest Insights article on the newly updated Fuel Tax Credits rates now in effect via the link (


For businesses managing a vehicle fleet, the Fuel Tax Credits system can be an excellent route for operators to claim full or partial credits for the fuel tax (excise or customs duty) that’s included in the price of fuel.

JobKeeper 2.0 - Phase Two Now in Effect: January 2021 - March 2021

Jan 15, 2021

With businesses now returning to work for 2021 following the Festive/New Year holiday period, a reminder that JobKeeper 2.0 - Phase Two extensions have now taken effect from 4th January 2021 and will run for the period until 28th March 2021.

Have you paid your Superannuation Guarantee Payments for 2020?

Oct 26, 2020

Following the end of the legislated Superannuation Amnesty Period which ran to 7 September 2020, the ATO released a draft Practice Statement (PS LA 2020/D1) to provide guidance to ATO staff in relation to Part 7 penalties on late Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) Payments. It notes that where SGC is paid late (i.e. after the 28th day of the month following the end of the quarter) there will be a minimum penalty of 100% of the SGC amount and a maximum of 200%. The ATO staff will not have discretion to reduce the penalty below 100% where the employer hasn’t voluntarily come forward to lodge an SG Statement prior to any ATO compliance action.

What do the Changes to the Work Test Mean for those Aged Under 67?

Oct 21, 2020

Prior to 1 July 2020, mandated employer contributions such as Superannuation Guarantee paid into a superannuation account were accepted although, non-concessional or non-mandated contributions made by those aged 65-75 were subject to the “work test”. Effective from 1 July 2020, the Government has abolished the “work-test” for those aged 65 & 66 who make non-mandated contributions (e.g. voluntary contributions) to their superannuation account.

Federal Budget 2020/21 - Overview & Understanding

Oct 14, 2020

On Tuesday, 6th October, Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg handed down the 2020/21 Federal Budget, outlining a further $98 billion in financial economic support, however acknowledging a $200 billion deficit – the biggest since World War II.

JobKeeper 2.0 | Legislation passes Parliament - What Are the Changes?

Sep 23, 2020

Parliament has signed-off on the JobKeeper 2.0 extension, which introduces a new fortnightly payment scheme for participants from 28 September 2020 to 28 March 2021.

Employment Growth Rebate | Are You Eligible & What You Need to Know

Sep 21, 2020

For businesses who have employed new full-time employees over and above their capacity across the 2019-20 & 2020-21 Financial Years, you may be eligible to claim a Payroll Tax - 'Employment Growth Rebate', up to the value of $20,000 per year.

Federal Government | New Changes to JobKeeper & JobSeeker Programs

Jul 21, 2020

As part of the Federal Government's Press Conference earlier today, Federal Government & Treasury have announced the extension of its COVID-19 economic support programs: JobKeeper & JobSeeker; with new changes taking effect from 28 September 2020.

Business Resilience & Process of Business Recovery - Podcast

Jul 15, 2020

For our latest episode of the 'Building Your Business' podcast, Chris Lewis is joined by Archer Gowland Managing Director, Ian Walker, and special guest: Michael Fingland - CEO/Founder, Vantage Performance.  

Keep Claiming Simple: Home Office Shortcut Extended

Jul 14, 2020

The ATO has announced its extension of the time-limited ‘Shortcut’ Calculating method for Working from Home deductions, in light of increased COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria.