We provide our expert opinion, news, and knowledge to help keep you informed and aimed towards building your business.
Archer Gowland | Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) - April 2019 Update
With the end of the FBT year, employers will be focusing on strategies on how to minimise their FBT liability and possibly reduce their employee’s reportable fringe benefit disclosure.
Archer Gowland | Tax Update - March 2019
A brief note below on some taxation matters that may impact your business and some announcements that are not yet law but might be useful for your business planning.
Single Touch Payroll - What You Need to Know
This week, the Federal Government passed legislation that requires employers of all sizes to electronically file each pay run with the ATO using Single Touch Payroll from 1 July 2019.
Preparing Your Management Rights Business for Sale
Whether you’ve newly purchased or have a well-established operation, preparing your Management Rights business for sale is an important scenario to consider in the back of your mind.
Archer Gowland Tax Update October 2018
I have put together a handy tax update so you can ensure none of the following taxation topics have slipped past your radar.
GST on OTA Commissions: What Management Rights Operators Need to Know
In your management rights business, do you use online travel agents (OTAs) to book travel products and services online?
Asset Withholding Tax Changes
Foreign Resident Capital Gains Withholding (FRCGW) first applied to vendors disposing of certain taxable Australian property under contracts entered into from 1 July 2016. A 10% non-final withholding was applied to these transactions at settlement.
2017 Budget Update For Business Owners
The 2017 Federal Budget has been handed down, responded to, cut up, reviewed, supported, dismissed as too Labor or too political. Whatever individual argument is thrown at the Budget, I see it as a nothing Budget – another 12 months for Australia to prod through until next May.