We provide our expert opinion, news, and knowledge to help keep you informed and aimed towards building your business.
Rental Property Tax Obligations - Owners Checklist
For many Australians looking to build a sustainable source of income outside of their main wage, property has always been a popular investment choice.
Priority Focus Areas for the Healthcare profession in 2023
For my Insights advisory article dedicated to the Healthcare sector, I wanted to speak specifically to the challenges many medical and allied health practices currently face.
Income Splitting for Medical Practitioners
The medical industry has a large number of high-income earners and this attracts the attention of the ATO, especially where income splitting is concerned. The characteristic of income in this industry is largely for the personal services of practitioners/specialists whose income generally fall into higher individual marginal tax brackets.
Superannuation Guarantee Contributions for Q3 2022/23 due 28/04/2023
As we approach the end of Quarter 3, 2022/23, this is a reminder of the upcoming 28th April 2023 due date for payments of your mandatory employer Superannuation Guarantee Contributions.
The Importance of Management Reporting for Your Business
For businesses aiming to achieve consistent growth year on year, management reporting plays an important role in capturing key metrics required for owners to run effective business operations.
Does GST Apply to Medical Services Issued to a Patient?
For medical practitioners, interpreting the appropriate tax obligations attached to seeing patients can often be confusing. This can be especially true surrounding the application of Goods and Services Tax, where certain patient scenarios can require the need to charge GST.
Fuel Excise and Process Improvement in the Transport Industry
As a globally connected economy, remaining at the forefront of industry trends, regulations, and environmental changes is essential for business owners within the transport & logistics sector.
Understanding Division 7A Loans
For many opting to start their own business, the financial freedom gained from its success is a significant draw-card – potentially creating wealth for immediate and future generations.
How to Use KPIs to Increase Your Profit
Understanding how Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in your business affect profit is the key to increasing profits. Not all businesses are the same and, therefore, there will be different drivers that will result in increased profits for each type of business. Service-based businesses will have completely different KPIs from a business that sells products, whether they be manufactured in-house, wholesale or retail. Also, increasing revenue is not the only way to increase profits, controlling expenses can be equally as important.
Navigate the Business Lifecycle: From Start-up to Success
In our Season 4 premiere episode of the Building Your Business podcast, Chris Lewis hosts Smiljan Jankovic (AGR Managing Director) as they discuss the business lifecycle journey and the progression pathway businesses take along four phases: from start-up to growth then maturity, and finally succession/exit.